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Infusing Quality and Safety Education for Nurses into Your Curriculum: A Workshop Funded by a grant from The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


The QSEN Competencies include implementation of quality improvement strategies, evidence-based practice, patient safety, integration of informatics into patient care and health management, patient centeredness in care management, and strategies to improve the teamwork and collaboration required to achieve consistent positive outcomes and improve the delivery of care. Nurses must enter the workforce with these competencies, and nurse educators need support and strategies to embed these competencies into nursing education. These presentations focus specifically on providing nurse educators in the academic and practice arenas, the knowledge and resources necessary to fully and effectively integrate these competencies into teaching plans in both settings. The workshop highlights research findings related to the QSEN Competencies, as well as resources available to engage nurses and nursing students in work that promotes competency development. Nationally recognized experts in patient care, nursing education, and quality improvement provide the instruction and coaching for these presentations. The overarching goal of these presentations is to provide nurse educators with the knowledge needed to develop and implement teaching strategies that support integration of the QSEN Competencies into education programs for nurses and nursing students in order to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans.

This workshop was videotaped in the following segments:

 Inter-Professional Competencies and Safety:  An Overview – Carole Kenner, PhD

 Introduction to the QSEN Competencies – Gerry Altmiller, EdD

Integrating and Teaching QSEN Competencies – Gerry Altmiller, EdD

Quality Improvement Strategies to Promote Change, Part 1- Gail Armstrong, PhD

Quality Improvement Strategies to Promote Change, Part 2 – Gail Armstrong, PhD

Using Simulation High and Low Fidelity in the Classroom and Lab Settings – Carol Durham, EdD, Part 1

Using Simulation High and Low Fidelity in the Classroom and Lab Settings – Carol Durham, EdD, Part 2

Using Simulation High and Low Fidelity in the Classroom and Lab Settings – Carol Durham, EdD, Part 3

Date Of Publication:
Conference Date:
Conference Name:
Infusing Quality and Safety Education into Your Curriculum: A workshop funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Conference Host:
The College of New Jersey; Funding by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Conference Location:
Ewing, New Jersey, USA
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Funding for this conference was made possible by grant number R13HS024889 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organization imply endorsement by the U. S. Government.; Copyright remains vested in original copyright holder. All rights reserved.
